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Where Do the Witcher Games Come in Continuity

Geralt is no perfect protagonist and that's what a lot of his fans love about him. He can be as irrational and prone to mistakes as the regular human being, even as a 100-year-old man. Still, The Witcher 3 can get a little too liberal with how they treat Geralt's imperfection, and at times, he tends to become a man of contradictions if the plot needed some nudging in a different direction.

The result is that there exist some continuity errors or simply qualities that are out-of-character for Geralt. Some of them are also hard to notice due to the game's excellent story and will probably only rear their heads after multiple playthroughs. At times, Geralt even defies common sense in order to make way for the gameplay. Such is the price for turning The Witcher into one of the best RPG experiences to date.

10/10 Two Swords On His Back

Geralt Steel Silver Sword

This is more of a book-vs-game comparison but those who are well-versed in the latter media will surely take notice of how the game exaggerates Geralt's sword-wielding. In the games, he carries both swords on his back like a medieval Batman.

In the books, Geralt actually carries only one sword with him and leaves the other at Roach. It's usually the silver sword that gets left behind as that one's considered a luxury item by the witchers.

9/10 Geralt Becomes Rich

Geralt money bag rich 5,000 crowns every all rewards Gaunter O'Dimm The Witcher 3 Heart of Stone

By the end of the Blood and Wine DLC, Geralt has essentially become a baron of a vineyard in Toussaint, effectively making him a noble. He didn't even bother rejecting the title. That's a bit of a problematic characterization depending on the players' choices.

For one, Geralt can reject Triss' proposal to cozily settle down with her in Kovir and still accept the Vineyard. Other narrative choices that directly contradict Geralt being a vineyard owner is compelling Ciri to reject the Empress title and be a roaming witcher while he gets comfy somewhere else. It's like his mid-life crisis switch got flipped on.

8/10 Monsters Are Everywhere

One odd thing about the witcher lore and profession in the current timeline of the games (and the books) is how everyone keeps mentioning how witchers are going obsolete because the monsters are nearly going extinct. That's not the case in The Witcher 3 and even the older games.

The monsters are literally everywhere and Geralt can't walk a hundred meters without encountering a peasant in need of help against drowners or ghosts. Such richness in the world's wildlife would have made Geralt a business tycoon.

7/10 Witch Hunters Ignoring Geralt

Witcher 3 Witch Hunter Found Inside Philippa's Hideout

Novigrad is one riot away from going up in flames and that's all due to the Witch Hunters and their zealous hatred toward anything involving magic. The witchers are also technically magic-users and non-humans to boot.

That very well means the Witch Hunters ought to be barring him entry or looking to burn him in a stake. Instead, they let Geralt be even though their doctrines dictate that they should be killing him on sight. Heck, even Geralt getting past Novigrad's gates is suspiciously convenient enough.

6/10 Geralt's Gwent Addiction

the witcher gwent

Another aspect of gameplay that doesn't mesh logically with the narrative is Geralt fixation on a collectible card game. Most parents tasked with the urgency of saving their daughter won't take time to learn a card game more complex than Poker.

Geralt, since he's in an RPG controller by players who don't feel the weight of the main quest at hand, tends to become addicted to Gwent. This game activity directly contradicts the main quest and even spoils the game's lore since Ciri is one of the cards available.

5/10 Putting Off Saving Ciri

almost got ciri killed

Speaking of putting off saving Ciri, Geralt does that a lot even without Gwent in the mix. He gets sidetracked too much with mundane busy work though those side quests are interesting enough as a diversion.

In reality, it doesn't make much sense for Geralt to do some life-threatening side quests while the fate of the world and his daughter's life is at stake. The witcher contracts can be forgiven as Geralt also needs some cash but prioritizing sword and armor collection over saving your daughter makes no sense lore-wise.

4/10 Geralt Is A Knight Too

Geralt 2

Based on his previous exploits in the older witcher titles, Geralt doesn't like court events or even performing courtly duties. Being a knight is one of these— he even hated being Foltest's temporary bodyguard (speaking of which, how'd he even agree to that?).

Then came Blood and Wine and Geralt suddenly has no qualms about joining a tournament. He even took full advantage of his knighthood during that moment. Could he not have used that status in his prior adventures? Surely, that could have helped a lot in the main quests.

3/10 Geralt's Power Is Arbitrary At Times

The Witcher 3 art Geralt cloaked casting alternative igni sign

Now on to Geralt's fighting abilities. They're all over the place and Geralt's power scaling can turn a little arbitrary at times. He can go from being a giant and dragon slayer to someone who can get swarmed by thugs in a cutscene.

Players can also build Geralt to be a battlemage-type who has no problems controlling the battlefield with signs and Geralt will still appear like a blundering swordsman in cutscenes. That's why his Gwent rating is a bit hard to swallow.

2/10 No Main Game Friends Helped Geralt In The DLCs

The Witcher 3 Yennefer talks to Geralt

Geralt loves to like a loner but in reality, he has more friends than your average witcher. Those friends are also in high places and some are powerful enough to lay waste to armies. Others have also been considered by kings as advisers.

So how come none of them were there for Geralt when he was enslaved by Gaunter O'Dimm? Truth be told, Geralt could have easily wiggled out of that contract with help from Yennefer or Triss. Instead, all they gave was a chuckle at Geralt's cursed mark.

1/10 Nobles Still Threaten Geralt After Ciri Became The Empress

Witcher 3 Anna Henrietta

In addition to Geralt's hard work having no significant in-game reward other than cutscenes or some rare items, his help in raising Ciri also seems to have gone unnoticed. One of the most important endings in the game is Ciri becoming The Empress of the world.

Apparently, the Duchess of Toussaint didn't get the memo because he still threatens to imprison Geralt or chop off his head out of impatience. Oh well, Geralt probably prefers it that way to justify his roving witcher life.

NEXT: The Witcher: 10 Characters From The Witcher 3 Fans Hope Appear On The Netflix Show


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